North west Magician Burnley
Welcome to my contact page, if you are looking to hire a Magician in the North West of England or anywhere in the UK you have found exactly the right place to do it.
Mystique Magic .......
Contact us
Andrew Tunney Magician
Stone Edge Road
Phone: 07525218666
Tel: 07525218666 07525218666
Hi Andrew
I thought I would share with you the text of the blog update I posted on Sunday evening after we'd met you.
"Berni and I went to Eaves Hall yesterday to attend our first Wedding Fair of 2016. To be honest I wasn't sure exactly why we were going because, by my reckoning, we've booked and paid deposits on just about everything we need to arrange at this stage. But the weather was lousy and Berni persuaded me that a wander round a wedding fair was better than either staying at home and watching the telly or else going for a walk and getting soaked.
As it turns out I’m really pleased she did. We got to see - and sample - some fabulous wedding cakes. Plus we picked up lots of fab ideas for room styling and table decorations. (I've just read back that last bit back to myself and, you're right, I have turned into a complete girl - I have no excuses.)
Anyway, the real bonus was meeting a chap called Andrew. He’s something of a cross between an illusionist who does close-up magic and a mind reader. Up til now I've been a bit sceptical about us having a magician to entertain all our guests while Berni and I are busy being photographed. I think it's perhaps become a bit of a cliché. Plus I also reckon we are all of us now so used to seeing amazing things happening on television etc. that we've all become a bit blasé about card tricks and close-up magic. So when he offered to show us what he did I needed a lot of convincing.
He started by asking me to think of a word – any word I liked, and preferably a long word. (Clearly he didn’t know who he was talking to - I only know long words!) Of course he had all the patter and he maintained a barrage of chatter for several minutes but I very determinedly kept silent throughout so as to give him no clues - even inadvertently - about my choice. And I maintained my silence all the way up to the point when he finally asked me to reveal the word I’d chosen.
I have no explanation for what happened next. I said out loud the word I’d chosen to which he said nothing but, remaining in my full sight, he reached into his pocket for his wallet out of which he produced a sealed envelope which he then handed to me. And of course, you’ve guessed, when I opened it the word I'd randomly chosen was written on a card inside!
I'm no longer a sceptic. We think he's amazing but you'll be able to judge for yourself because you'll be seeing him at Broadoaks sometime during the course of the big day."